PINATUBO, June 15th, 1991 - The Second Powerful Volcanic Eruption of the 20th Century Occurred in the Philippines' Luzon Volcanic Arc \\ On June 12, the volcano's first spectacular eruption sent an ash column 19 km into the atmosphere. Additional explosions occurred overnight and the morning of June 13. Seismic activity during this period became intense. When even more highly gas-charged magma reached Pinatubo's surface on June 15, the volcano exploded, sending an ash cloud 40 km into the atmosphere.
The eruption of Mount Pinatubo deposited large amounts of particulate matter into the atmosphere, enough to lower global temperatures by about 0,5°C Пинатубо \\
Caribbean Volcanoes \\ Вулкан Ньирагонго \\ livejournal: Masterok (Валерий), 8 июля 2012Nyiragongo Nyiragongo Volcano is located in Virunga National Park in the central African country Democratic Republic of the Congo \\ Hudson Valley Geologist: Steven SchimmrichNyiragongo Crater: Journey to the Center of the World In June 2010, a team of scientists and intrepid explorers stepped onto the shore of the lava lake boiling in the depths of Nyiragongo Crater, in the heart of the Great Lakes region of Africa. \\ - The Big Picture* Carsten Peter: Inside the Nyiragongo Volcano \\ National GeographicNetwork for Observation of Volcanic and Atmospheric Change The main objective of this project is to establish a network for measurements of the emissions of gases -- in particular SO2 and BrO -- and aerosols by volcanoes, and to use the data from this network for risk assessment and volcanological research, both locally and on a regional and global scale. \\ NOVACMonitoring Volcanoes from Space \\ European Space Agency: 28 марта 2012Volcanoes Page \\ Michigan Technological UniversityThe Volcanology Research Group at the University of Bristol \\ Bristol UniversityKWare ERUPT ERUPT is a graphical program that simulates various volcanic eruption types \\ Ken WohletzHow is volcanic ash made? Folks in Montana usually expect snow or rain to fall from the sky, not ash. But the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens in Washington flung ash across state lines. What is this gritty, gray stuff? \\ HowStuffWorks - Geology ChannelVolcanic Ash A volcanic hazard that is often underestimated in its geographic reach and impact. Volcanic Ash and Volcanic Dust Photos, Satellite Images, More... \\ geology.comLearn About Volcanoes : A fun ALERT site that teaches us about volcanoes.Volcanoes: on-line book about volcanoes \\ USGSSeismic-Eruption Software Educational Software \\ IRISActive Volcanoes of Our Solar System Activity Occurs on Earth and on the Moons of a Few Planets \\ geology.comСамый большой вулкан Солнечной системы находится на Марсе \\ Geo.Web.RuActive Volcano 3D Screensaver Установив этот скринсейвер, у пользователя появится возможность наблюдать проснувшийся вулкан, который извергает из своих недр расплавленную лаву... \\ Measuring the Size of Explosive Volcanic Eruptions You have probably heard of the Richter Scale for measuring earthquakes, the Saffir-Simpson Scale for hurricanes and the Fujita Scale for tornadoes. The Volcanic Explosivity Index is used to compare the size of explosive volcanic eruptions. \\ Geology.comThe Most Powerful Eruption of the 20th Century The most powerful volcanic eruption of the 20th Century occurred on June 6, 1912. People in Juneau, Alaska heard the noise over one hour after the eruption occurred. For the next forty years the eruption was blamed on the wrong volcano. \\